Monday, December 10, 2012

Review: Unbridled Injustice

Author: Ellie Boatman

ISBN: 1598000586

It was Charles Dickens who stated in his famous novel Oliver Twist, "the law is an ass," and perhaps in some instances we would have to agree with him. However, what is even more alarming is when judges are bigger asses when they exhibit judicial bias or they abuse their wide discretionary powers that is accorded to them within the family court system. They may even, in certain instances, look the other way when there is a question of attorney ethics. All of this leads to a violation of due process that every citizen is entitled to under our democratic legal system. Such denial of justice was experienced by Ellie Boatman Conger, principal protagonist in Ellie Boatman's debut novel, Unbridled Injustice.

Many authors have turned to fiction to provide a beacon of enlightenment in understanding bitter struggles during dark times, and Boatman is no exception, as she uses this genre very effectively in narrating how one woman from Kentucky had been wronged by the judicial system.

Set against Lexington Kentucky's equestrian community, the novel tells the story of Ellie, who after vacationing for a week in Florida with close friends, arrives home at the airport only to be greeted with a divorce petition from her husband Roy. This comes as quite a shock to a woman who believed that life could not be sweeter. After all, she had three great children, a successful husband, a gorgeous home and farm that included several prized ponies, and the respect of her hometown social community.

However, all is not as it appears and as Ellie asserts, "sometimes our lives are like sleepwalking. When we finally awaken we have no idea where we are and even less how we managed to get there."

Shortly after receiving the divorce petition, Ellie finds herself embroiled in very nasty and costly judicial proceedings that could mean the loss of custody of her children to her husband. To further aggravate this frightful situation, Ellie regrettably engages a young and inexperienced attorney, who was not too swift on his feet and consequently is outmaneuvered by the unethical tactics and devious behavior of his opponent, who uses every trick in the book to make life miserable for Ellie. Adding a little more drama into the narrative is the grotesque possibility of child molestation that is ignored by a judge, who has her own agenda, and a lazy social worker assigned to the case.

For a first time author, Boatman shows a great deal of confidence in her story- telling abilities, although at times the pony show scenes wear a bit thin, slowing down the pace of the novel. Nonetheless, this hard-hitting narrative is a page turner not only because of its plot, but also the strong message it conveys. Conger gets top marks for her clarity and richness of voice, all of which contribute to the reader's ease in empathizing with Ellie's anger and despair, as she fights the sometimes unfairness of the judicial system in order to gain the custody of her children. In the end, does justice prevail?

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Medicare Plan F - Picking Up Where Part A and B Leave Off

The Medicare program was created to provide low cost health insurance to people 65 years of age or older, those with certain disabilities or illnesses who are under 65 and for individuals of any age and afflicted with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).

Although there are many health care related services and supplies that are covered under the original program, it does not cover everything, leaving "gaps." As a result of these areas that lack the appropriate coverage, there are supplemental policies available. Medicare plan F is considered one of the more comprehensive options. It covers many of the areas that the original Medicare plans do not.

The Original Medicare plan has two parts, A and B. Medicare Plan F is one of the many supplemental plans that are available that offers program participants additional coverage.

Part A focuses on hospital insurance and it covers a percentage of inpatient care in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and home health care if certain requirements are met. This portion of the program also addresses hospice care.

Part B helps participants pay for services that are "medically necessary," but that do not include hospitalization. These services include physical and occupational therapy, doctor's services, and some home health.

They also address preventative services that help maintain good health or prevent existing conditions from worsening. Medicare Part C was instituted as part of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. It provides the option for Medicare beneficiaries to receive their benefits through private insurance plans rather than through the original Medicare program.

Today they are known as Medicare Advantage plans. They combine Parts A and B of the Medicare program, and sometimes the Part D prescription coverage. This is often provided at a lower premium, with additional benefits. Medicare Plan F covers many of the deductibles and coinsurance expenses associated with Parts A and B.

From Part A, Medicare Plan F pays coinsurance, coverage for 365 additional days once Medicare benefits end and the deductible for hospitalization. From Part B, it covers co-payments for outpatient services, the first three pints of blood each year, the deductibles for medical and outpatient care as well as "excess" charges.

Although Medicare helps provide low cost health care to senior citizens, it was never intended to cover 100% of all costs. Medicare supplemental policies can be purchased through private insurance companies to provide the coverage you need based on your current circumstances and financial status.

Medicare Part B - Medical Insurance Premiums and COLA's   Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans - Guidelines For Selecting Or Changing Plans   Why Would I Need Medicare Supplemental Insurance?   Medicare Supplement Plan N - A Great Alternative to Medicare Advantage   

What Ebooks Are And How To Sell Them Online

Do you know what an "ebook" is? An eBook is simply an electronic book that can be delivered instantly via a download. Ebooks are digital, and can contain the full contents of a paperback or hardcover book all in one small file. For example, if you have an eBook reader, you could probably download all kinds of books to your eBook reader, and never have to use a physical book again.

Nevertheless, when it comes to selling ebooks online on your website, it can be a very profitable thing. There are people selling $50 eBook packages online, and they earn a lot of money for it. I personally think that selling ebooks are better than having your product sit up in a shelf on a book store.

If you can market your website and your eBook in the right way online, you can experience a lot of recurring income coming in on a daily basis - without any intervention on your behalf whatsoever. You can continue to earn money with your business simply and easily, and don't have to call your wholesaler and ask for more supplies of a product. With an ebook, your inventory is unlimited.

One of the most exciting things that you will see eventually in your online business is sales coming in daily. This can be a very exciting thing. Imagine having sales coming in while you sleep. You could work in your pajamas everyday and work about 2 hours a day, then go jump right back into bed. And then make a nice income for the day.

Now there are 2 ways that you can sell ebooks successfully online. You can create them yourself, or you can become an affiliate for someone else's product. If you create them yourself, it will take some time to complete. Make sure it's full of high quality information and not fluff, and you will see that you will receive a very small amount of refunds - if none at all.

Plus, make sure you have a good sales letter page. I can't stress this enough. This is how people will buy your ebook. So if you can fill it up with stories, features, benefits, and a great price... it's sure to sell within a short period of time. You should know that it's not hard to make money with your ebook. It just takes persistence and dedication, and you will be good to go.

Ebooks are still very popular and profitable in this day and age, and you will want to find a way to make them successful when you sell them. They're easy to create, easy to promote, and easy to make sales with - especially if you have the right price.

Market your eBook successfully online, and you will open a door that can potentially be full of profits. But it won't happen if you don't do anything, so you will want to get on the ball today see if you can make ebooks work for you right away.

Good luck with using these tips to earn money with ebooks today.

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5 Reasons to Consider a Self Storage Unit

We all face changes in life. They can be job changes, relationship changes, changes of home or lifestyle changes. Many times those changes bring about the need to downsize. Some people find it easy to downsize by selling or giving away their possessions. But that's not always the right choice. So what do you do when you don't have enough space for all your belongings? Cheap self storage options are the perfect solution. Here are 5 good reasons to consider using a self storage unit when you're going through a period of change in your life.

Moving House: When you move house, you can't always fit everything into the new place. But some of your memorabilia is too special to be thrown away or sold. What do you do with it all? A small self storage unit is the ideal way to solve the problem. Your personal possessions will be kept safe and sound and you can get to them and look through them whenever you need to.

Storing Documents: Paperwork is a necessary evil and some files need to be kept for a certain number of years. If you are in business, or have been in business before, you may have accumulated a large amount of paperwork that just can't be thrown away. And it's not convenient to store it at home. A small self storage unit is a great value for money option. Your documents can be kept dry and free from insects and rodents.

Car storage: If you don't have a garage at home, a self storage unit is the ideal place to store that special vehicle that you've been working on for a lot longer than you'd like to admit. You can retreat to the self storage unit whenever the mood suits and work away quietly on your project in peace and quiet. Your vehicle will be completely secure and, if circumstances mean you can't work on it for a few months, it's completely covered and won't deteriorate in the weather.

Sports gear: Some sports need pieces of large equipment such as snow skis, water skis, kayaks, and hang gliders. If you haven't got sufficient space to store your sports equipment at home, then a self storage unit is the best option to ensure that your valuable equipment stays in good condition and is ready for the next time you need to use it.

Hobby workshop: Perhaps you need a small workshop space and there's just nowhere at home that will do the job. Using a self storage unit means you can keep all your hobby equipment in one place and no one else can interfere with any of it. When you put a tool down, it will be right there waiting for you when you next have time to work on your hobby. Security is taken care of and your equipment is completely safe.

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Choose An American Made Tool For Your Next Project

The tool corporation Porter-Cable embodies the American dream. R.E. Porter, G.G. Porter and F.E. Cable came from humble beginnings to establish this organization. This company started operating out of a garage in 1906 and is now one of the best names in power tools. Their modest idea turned into a successful brand because of hard work and quality products. They became leaders of the tool industry by redefining quality standards and creating new products. They are one of the most trusted names in the manufacturing sector.

Craftsmanship and efficiency have become better since Porter-Cable began making power tools. The company's innovations made working with power tools a simpler process, they created the initial line of portable power tools. The Take-About-Sander was a belt sander that was the first electric portable tool. The company also produced saws and other portable tools. Many of the designs they pioneered are still used currently.

Porter-Cable redefined power tools and their current ideas are also unique and ahead of the game. They now deliver a wide variety of tools for any need. The company offers corded and cordless options, so clients can pick the sets that suit them best. They create drills, saws, generators and wood and metal working tools. Products can be bought for close range applications, speed and easy operation. The pieces are commonly made with lithium, cast metal, LED features and many other features.

Porter-Cable wanted to ensure that their tools could deliver a professional quality that would be evident in the work those using the tools created. Their standard of quality is surpassed by no one. Porter-Cable has won several awards like the 2011 Tools in Action award. The Corded Oscillating Multi-Tool won this prize because of the blade, strength, and range of accessories. Fine Woodworking has given their drills awards because they offer the best value. They continue to strive for products that deliver quality performances and are offered at a fair price.

The dedication to tools displayed by Porter-Cable is evident even when something goes wrong. There are a wide range of service centers that can fix tools fast. There is a five day service guarantee, so they repair parts a lot quicker than anyone else. It also is easy to order new parts or tools online or purchase them at a variety of stores. The American dream makes it possible for everybody to be successful. This business demonstrated this and their success is evidence of their perseverance.

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How To Sell on Craigslist for Newbies - 6 Expert Tips

Craigslist is a free, expedient way to move your unused items or merchandise fast.

I recommend setting up a staging area; a garage is perfect for this sort of thing. Any large items that would be difficult and costly to ship can and should be sold on Craigslist.

#1: Always take a picture, more than one is preferable. People like pictures and you are 85% more likely to sell your item if you include a picture, use the camera on your phone if you have to. Take the picture in good light and from a few different angles.

#2: Stage your pictures. No one wants to buy something that looks like it's sitting in a messy garage. On that same note, clean your item up. The better it looks, the more $$ you'll get.

#3: Post your items on Tuesday and Saturday. You can only relist on Craigslist every three days so this gives you the most exposure. You want to be on the top of the page early Saturday morning.

#4: If you have a large item and don't want to deal with fielding lots of phone calls and questions, my first strategy has always been to list my item with picture and a thorough description (yes...this means measurements...people want DETAIL) and say that the item will be available for viewing on a specific day and time frame. First come, first serve.

This creates a sense of urgency and frankly competitiveness about your item. It intimates that the item is of particular value and that you expect a great deal of interest in the item. A good time to do this is on a Saturday morning say between 8-10 a.m. You may end with a bidding war going on in your driveway! Cha-Ching.

The downside to this strategy is that people WILL SHOW UP EARLY. No doubt about it, so be ready for that. And if you post your address right away, there is a good chance they will show up DAYS EARLY wanting to look at your item. I was selling an old utility trailer once and had a gentleman show up at 9 p.m. the day BEFORE the sale just as I was trying to get my kids settled down and in bed. Let's just say he was not given the opportunity to purchase the trailer. I was not a happy mama that night.

#5: Try to avoid selling out of your home for smaller items. As a woman I just feel safer meeting somewhere and I think a lot of female buyers feel the same way. Include in your post that you're glad to meet up with someone and list the neighboring towns and/or areas you are willing to drive to. I tend to pick grocery store parking lots or Starbucks since they are always busy and easy to find.

#6: Compare your asking price against what others are charging for similar or like items on Craigslist. Try to price yours slightly less than the going rate or throw in a freebie or bonus. If you happen to have something that goes w/ the item you are selling it can make the difference between you getting the sale or someone else. For instance, I sell a lot of gently used baby clothes and toys. I pick up baby hair bows dirt cheap at the Dollar Store and give them away as a bonus w/ each of my items. Sometimes I'm even charging a bit more than my competition but my customers feel like they are getting a better deal so they buy from me. Everyone likes to get something for free. The same concept works on eBay, I give away bonuses or routinely offer free shipping.

For more information on selling on Craigslist, eBay and other fantastic side-income opportunities check out my NEW EBook, Make Money Now, How Average Americans are Beating this Economy, Making Great Money Online and How You Can Too! at

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